Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bonjour!!! I am on a farm in France - neAr St. Nazaire outside of Nantes on the atlantc coast. I am on my friends iPhone so excuse mistakes.....

This is a really nice and reflective way to finish out my time in Europe. Yesterday I harvested cucumbers and tomatoes and took care of hundreds of chickens. Today I built a gate with the Belgian girl who lives and works her long term. I am enjoying using my french... It is great to see that it has improved a lot since I lived in Suisse AND that I can communicate with people apart fro
My host family on more than a passing basis. But still I miss Danish. I'm not kidding! Ther is something about that strange little Nordic language that really works for me.

I have sen writin letters to peopl n my HIA program as a way to reflect on it. Time consuming but a great way to process. I'm hoping to get through everyone though that s a tall order...

Love you much. All my best from the farm



  1. You're like Waldo! WHere's Alice? On a farm in France? Can you spot her in Copenhagen? Look! There she is in Budapest! Next we might even see her in Everett, Washington, USA!!!!

  2. Alice! DId you tell about Grandpa Gil and WWII. That's exactly where he was for a very long time during the war!
